Saturday, August 6, 2011

Glorious Geninne

I had the good fortune recently of attending a wonderful workshop with the very talented and inspiring Geninne D. Zlatkis. The focus of the workshop was making hand-carved stamps.

IMG_5870 Geninne's workshop
(photo by Margie Oomen)

IMG_5863 Geninne's workshop

considering what to stamp on his egg
(photo by Margie Oomen)

We also picked up some valuable watercolour tips from the master.

Geninne's workshop 6
(photo by Margie Oomen)

The highlight of the workshop was of course, the people.
Geninne's workshop 2

Geninne was an encouraging and inspiring teacher with a warm, open spirit. It was such a pleasure learning from her, and working alongside a roomful of beautiful, creative women. And I also got to see Margie and Arounna again, and meet the incredibly sweet Sonia all the way from France. What a treat!

The centre tag with the ginko leaf design is one of my favourites. The beautiful crocheted-covered stones are by Margie. Wouldn't a crocheted stone workshop with Margie be AMAZING? (hint hint)
Geninne's workshop

The workshop itself was held at Bookhou, a beautiful store on Queen street in Toronto.

before the creative crowd
(photo by Margie Oomen)
As you can see, the workspace was all decked out with beautiful flowers, and inspiring art from the Winged Migration show. We were also treated to a gourmet lunch (had the BEST butter tarts EVER). Hard not to be inspired in such a place! If you get a chance, I highly recommend a Bookhou workshop, or just pop by the shop for a gander. It's well worth the trip!


lamina @ do a bit


The photos of the workshop are gorgeous.. I am going quite an impressive shade of green after reading your post... what a lucky ducky you are!! So glad you had a fab time :)



Sweet Nicole, the treat was all mine. I loved meeting you and your husband at Bookhou and I hope we meet again sometime. If you guys ever want to come to Mexico: Mi casa es su casa!
I agree, a crochet covered stone workshop with Margie would be amazing! I wish I lived closer! Hugs from my little corner of the world.

Margie Oomen


i adored your stamps that you made
you have so much skill and talent
plus you are adorable and one of the kindest people i know



I'm still pinching myself that I was there, observing you girls, and helping wonderful Margie out.
You did an exceptional job, you were all so concentrated !
I will never forget how sweet & wonderful you were, how pretty & natural you looked, and your most adorable French melted my little French heart.
I hope we will get to meet again, here or there, or anywhere.



Now that looks like a good time! And a great summer project.



This looks like it was so much fun! (and big thanks for your nyc recommendations!)

Yarny Days


How incredibly cool. I would love to do something like this at one point. Also, great pictures!

Sally Williams


It was a pleasure to do the workshop with you (I sat opposite you). You are very talented! Maybe we'll see each other again in another workshop! Cheers.