Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New specs, new knit

So yesterday I had a mini misadventure. I got a flat tire while biking to work. This caused me to break abruptly which sent my glasses flying off my face and onto the pavement. So now I not only had a flatty, but I had broken specs too. Harumph!

After dropping off my bike at the bike shop (yes, I should know how to fix a flat, but mechanical stuff is NOT my forte) I popped by my local optometrist and picked out a new pair of "lunettes". Less than 24 hours later, voilà!

new glasses
Yay! I'm really quite fond of them. Lemons into lemonade, I suppose.

I also thought it would be a good opportunity to show you my latest sample knit for Hannah.

Lightweight pullover
Unfortunately most of the snaps didn't turn out, these were the best in the bunch. And now the sweater is all packaged up and ready to go. I don't think I could bear putting an angora and alpaca turtleneck back on in this heat! Oh well. Deets here.

You'll eventually get to see another version of this lovely design. I enjoyed knitting the Lightweight Pullover so much that I cast one on for myself.
Stay tuned...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

a colourful weekend

early summer flowers
How has your weekend been so far?

colourful weekend
I took out my box of paints and had a bit of fun.

watercolour 2

watercolour 1
I forgot how lovely it is playing with colours.

dye journal 1
Speaking of colour, here is the humble beginnings of my nascent natural dyeing adventures with cochineal, madder and logwood. The resulting yarn is fairly scratchy, so I'm not sure what to do with it, but still, the colours are pretty...

lightweight in progress
I also added a few inches to a new sample knit for Hannah.

Now, out of the house I go. It's too beautiful to spend one more minute indoors! I'm off for a hike, and then a stop at the farmer's market. Hope your Sunday is just as sweet.

Friday, June 17, 2011

This woman's work

Maria Bosch Working from Toast Travels on Vimeo.

I was fascinated watching this woman's beautiful work. I've never seen pottery done this way.
(via Toast Travels website)

I hope you have a lovely and creative weekend yourself!